Craniosacral Therapy –

Gentle as a raindrop,

deep as the ocean

Latest From the Blog

2020 – The Year of Clear Vision

My first client of the year had just arrived, and we were checking in. As she talked about the holiday visits with her family , and her goals for the new year she’s thinking more and talking slower. “I’m stuck,” she said concluded. Taking the time to contemplate awakened her to the ways her life…

Letting Go of Letting Go

My client is a young woman, who has lots of stress partially from high expectations of herself. In this session, through my hands, I have an image of her throwing herself around a small padded room, as if possessed. Slamming her body into walls, landing at odd angles. She doesn’t want to be flung around…

PALIMPSEST! (Manuscript)

I’m proud to say that my manuscript, What If You Could? Diving Deep Into The Healing Waters Of Craniosacral Therapy, is done!!! Like most worthwhile things in life, I found writing a book was much harder/more wonderful than I anticipated.It drove me crazy sometimes; searching for the right words only to realize that it wasn’t the words that…

I pride myself on respecting and honoring each individual client and their circumstances. I am awed by the human body’s amazing ability to heal, and feel honored to witness and support each person’s unique healing process.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.


“Water is soft and humble, but it is the most powerful and is the most endurable.”

– Debasish Mridha